MCM · bacchanalian madness


First, go through the README, later on check local setup guide as well.


Check CRDs present in the MCM tree

All the below class diagrams omit TypeMeta and ObjectMeta for brevity.


title: Machine
    hideEmptyMembersBox: true
%%{init: { 'themeVariables': { 'lineColor': '#51565b'}}}%%
   %% note "apiVersion, kind & metadata components have not been shown"

   %% Machine ---------------------------------
   note for Machine "Representation of a physical or virtual machine that corresponds to a front-end kubernetes node object"
   Machine <|-- MachineSpec
   Machine <|-- MachineStatus
   class Machine{
   MachineSpec spec
   MachineStatus status
   MachineSpec <|-- ClassSpec
   MachineSpec <|-- MachineConfiguration
   MachineSpec <|-- NodeTemplateSpec

   class MachineSpec{
   ClassSpec class
   string providerID
   NodeTemplateSpec nodeTemplate
   MachineConfiguration MachineConfiguration

   class ClassSpec{
   string apiGroup
   string kind
   string name
   note for ClassSpec "Refers to the MachineClass template for the Machine"

   class NodeTemplateSpec{
   string podCIDR: IP range
   []string podCIDRs
   string providerID
   bool unschedulable
   []taint taints
   note for NodeTemplateSpec "Actually part of NodeSpec which is a field in NodeTemplateSpec"

   class MachineConfiguration{
   v1.Duration drainTimeout
   v1.Duration healthTimeout
   v1.Duration creationTimeout
   int32* maxEvictRetries
   string* nodeConditions
   MachineStatus <|-- LastOperation
   MachineStatus <|-- CurrentStatus
   class MachineStatus{
   v1.NodeCondition conditions
   LastOperation lastOperation
   CurrentStatus currentStatus
   string lastKnownState

   class LastOperation{
   string description
   string errorCode
   v1.Time lastUpdateTime
   MachineState state: string
   MachineOperationType type: string

   note for LastOperation "State can be 'Processing', 'Failed' or 'Successful'<br>Type can be 'Create', 'Update', 'HealthCheck' or 'Delete'"

   class CurrentStatus{
   MachinePhase phase: string
   bool timeoutActive
   v1.Time lastUpdateTime

   link MachineStatus ""

Machine Class

title: MachineClass
    hideEmptyMembersBox: true
%%{init: { 'themeVariables': { 'lineColor': '#51565b'}}}%%
 %% MachineClass ---------------------------------
   note for MachineClass "Represents a template that contains cloud provider specific details used to create machines"
   MachineClass <|-- NodeTemplate
   class MachineClass{
   NodeTemplate nodeTemplate
   v1.SecretReference credentialsSecretRef
   RawExtension providerSpec
   string provider
   v1.SecretReference secretRef
   note for MachineClass "credentialsSecretRef has cloud provider credentials<br>secretRef has cloud init script: userData containing bootstrap token, API server address, kubeconfig"
   note for MachineClass "provider specific configuration to create a node is specified in providerSpec of the extensible custom type rawExtension which permits instances of different structure types to be held within a single type"

   class NodeTemplate{
   v1.ResourceList capacity
   string instanceType
   string region
   string zone
   string* architecture

Machine Set

title: MachineSet
    hideEmptyMembersBox: true
%%{init: { 'themeVariables': { 'lineColor': '#51565b'}}}%%
 %% MachineSet ---------------------------------
   note for MachineSet "Ensures that the specified number of Machine replicas are running at any time"
   MachineSet <|-- MachineSetSpec
   MachineSet <|-- MachineSetStatus
   class MachineSet{
   MachineSetSpec spec
   MachineSetStatus status

   MachineSetSpec <|-- ClassSpec
   MachineSetSpec <|-- MachineTemplateSpec
   class MachineSetSpec{
   int32 replicas
   v1.LabelSelector selector
   ClassSpec machineClass
   MachineTemplateSpec template
   int32 minReadySeconds

   MachineTemplateSpec <|-- MachineSpec
   class MachineTemplateSpec{
   MachineSpec spec

   MachineSetStatus <|-- MachineSetCondition
   MachineSetStatus <|-- LastOperation
   MachineSetStatus <|-- MachineSummary
   class MachineSetStatus{
   int32 replicas
   int32 fullyLabeledReplicas
   int32 readyReplicas
   int32 availableReplicas
   int64 observedGeneration
   []MachineSetCondition machineSetCondition
   LastOperation lastOperation
   MachineSummary failedMachines

   MachineSummary <|-- LastOperation
   class MachineSummary{
   string name
   string providerID
   LastOperation lastOperation
   string ownerRef

   class MachineSetCondition{
   MachineSetConditionType type: string
   ConditionStatus status: string
   v1.Time lastTransitionTime
   string reason
   string message

   note for LastOperation "One has information about lastOp for Machine (summary) and the other is for MachineSet"

Machine Deployment

title: MachineDeployment
    hideEmptyMembersBox: true
%%{init: { 'themeVariables': { 'lineColor': '#51565b'}}}%%
 %% Deployment ---------------------------------
   note for MachineDeployment "Provides a declarative update for MachineSet and Machines"
   MachineDeployment <|-- MachineDeploymentSpec
   MachineDeployment <|-- MachineDeploymentStatus
   class MachineDeployment{
   MachineDeploymentSpec spec
   MachineDeploymentStatus status
   MachineDeploymentSpec <|-- MachineTemplateSpec
   MachineDeploymentSpec <|-- MachineDeploymentStrategy
   class MachineDeploymentSpec{
   int32 replicas
   v1.LabelSelector selector
   MachineTemplateSpec template
   MachineDeploymentStrategy strategy
   int32 minReadySeconds
   int32* revisionHistoryLimit
   bool paused
   RollbackConfig* rollbackTo
   int32* progressDeadlineSeconds

   MachineDeploymentStrategy <|-- RollingUpdateMachineDeployment
   class MachineDeploymentStrategy{
   MachineDeploymentStrategyType type: string
   RollingUpdateMachineDeployment rollingUpdate

   class RollingUpdateMachineDeployment{
   IntOrString MaxUnavailable
   IntOrString MaxSurge
   MachineDeploymentStatus <|-- MachineDeploymentCondition
   MachineDeploymentStatus <|-- MachineSummary
   class MachineDeploymentStatus{
   int64 observedGeneration
   int32 replicas
   int32 updatedReplicas
   int32 readyReplicas
   int32 availableReplicas
   int32 unavailableReplicas
   []MachineDeploymentCondition condition
   int32* collisionCount
   MachineSummary failedMachines

   class MachineDeploymentCondition{
   MachineDeploymentConditionType type: string
   ConditionStatus status: string
   v1.Time lastUpdateTime
   v1.Time lastTransitionTime
   string reason
   string message


These are added for reference purpose only, no need to delve too much into dissecting them.

title: SafetyOptions & PodDisruptionBudget
    hideEmptyMembersBox: true
class SafetyOptions{
 metav1.Duration	MachineCreationTimeout
 metav1.Duration	MachineHealthTimeout
 metav1.Duration	MachineDrainTimeout
 metav1.Duration	PvDetachTimeout
 metav1.Duration	PvReattachTimeout
 metav1.Duration	MachineSafetyAPIServerStatusCheckTimeout
 metav1.Duration	MachineSafetyAPIServerStatusCheckPeriod
 metav1.Duration	MachineSafetyOrphanVMsPeriod
	time.Time APIserverInactiveStartTime
	bool MachineControllerFrozen
	int32 MaxEvictRetries

PodDisruptionBudget <|-- PodDisruptionBudgetSpec
PodDisruptionBudget <|-- PodDisruptionBudgetStatus
class PodDisruptionBudget{
PodDisruptionBudgetSpec spec
PodDisruptionBudgetStatus status

class PodDisruptionBudgetSpec{
IntOrString* minAvailable
v1.LabelSelector* selector
IntOrString* maxUnavailable

class PodDisruptionBudgetStatus{
int64 observedGeneration
map[string]v1.Time disruptedPods
int32 disruptionsAllowed
int32 currentHealthy
int32 desiredHealthy
int32 expectedPods
[]v1.Condition conditions
title: VolumeAttachmentHandler
    hideEmptyMembersBox: true
VolumeAttachmentHandler <|-- VolumeAttachment
note for VolumeAttachmentHandler "Distribute incoming VolumeAttachment requests to all listening workers"
class VolumeAttachmentHandler{
[]chan storagev1.VolumeAttachment* workers

VolumeAttachment <|-- VolumeAttachmentSpec
VolumeAttachment <|-- VolumeAttachmentStatus
note for VolumeAttachment "Captures the intent to attach/detach specified volume to/from the specified node"
class VolumeAttachment{
VolumeAttachmentSpec spec
VolumeAttachmentStatus status

VolumeAttachmentSpec <|-- VolumeAttachmentSource
class VolumeAttachmentSpec{
string attacher
VolumeAttachmentSource source
string nodeName

VolumeAttachmentStatus <|-- VolumeError
class VolumeAttachmentStatus{
bool attached
map[string]string attachmentMetadata
VolumeError* attachError
VolumeError* detachError

class VolumeAttachmentSource{
string* persistentVolumeName
v1.PersistentVolumeSpec* inlineVolumeSpec

class VolumeError{
metav1.Time time
string message

Machine Controller

Reconcile Cluster Secret

  1. Fetch secrets
  2. Get the MachineClass referring to the passed secret
  3. In case there are machine classes that refer it, add the finalizer to the secret else remove it. (The removal of the finalizer is needed because if the secrets aren’t referred by MachineClass then their deletion shouldn’t depend on the finalizer, Ref)

Reconcile Cluster Machine Class

  1. Fetch the MachineClass
  2. Get all the Machines referring to the MachineClass.
  3. If there are machines that match given MachineClass and the deletion hasn’t been requested yet for the Class then add the finalizers to the class proceeding which all the machines referring to the class are enqueued for further processing. (TODO: Learn about workqueue)
  4. Otherwise if deletion isn’t scheduled and there are machines referring to the Class then add them to the machineQueue.
  5. If there aren’t any machines referring to the Class, then the finalizers, if any, on it can be deleted.

Reconcile Cluster Machine

  1. Fetch the required Machine.

  2. Check if the Machine controller is frozen (MachineControllerFrozen) and machine isn’t scheduled for deletion. If so, retry reconciliation after longRetry.

  3. If machine isn’t frozen, then validate the Machine (check Name and Kind for the Class shouldn’t be empty). Also validate the MachineClassNodetemplate fields (capacity: cpu, gpu and memory; instanceType, region and zone).

  4. In case the machine is scheduled for deletion, TriggerDeletionFlow with a DeleteMachineRequest.

  5. If the Machine isn’t scheduled for deletion, then add the finalizers on the machine if not present.

  6. Check Machine Phases State Diagram

    Check if the machine has an associated node (look for label with key “node”) and if the machine has been created (i.e. phase != “”, if phase is empty string, that corresponds to machine being in creation stage). If so, then:

    • Reconcile Machine Health: Updates the machine object with any change in node conditions or health. Ref
    • Sync Machine Name to Node: Syncs machine name on corresponding node object by adding machine name label to metadata.
    • Sync Machine NodeTemplates: Syncs nodeTemplate between the machine and the node object by fetching it, then syncs the annotations, labels and taints ().
  7. If machine phase is empty or crashloopbackoff or providerId is empty i.e. machine doesn’t exist then TriggerCreationFlow with CreateMachineRequest.


Check out FAQ: Why is my machine deleted? Check if finalizers are present on the machine, if not retry after a while. In case they are present and the machine isn’t in terminating phase, then set it to terminating (also sets LastOperation state to Processing and description to GetVMStatus). If machine is in terminating phase, then check LastOperation Description:

  1. If it contains the string GetVMStatus i.e. “Set machine status to termination. Now, getting VM Status” then updateMachineStatus&NodeLabel is called which adds the “node” label if not present while checking for any errors in getting machine error status. After confirming that the node label is updated, the LastOperation type is set to delete and LastOperation description to InitiateDrain.
  2. If it contains the string InitiateDrain then call DrainNode.
  3. If its DelVolumesAttachments, then deleteNodeVA is invoked:
    • If node is not found or if node.VolumesAttached is zero then description is updated to InitiateVMDeletion and state is set to Processing.
    • If there are non-zero attached volumes then getLiveVAForNode fetches all the volumes attached to our node not having DeletionTimestamp set.
    • If there are live volumes, deleteVAForNode removes them and when zero live volumes are attached then InitiateVMDeletion is set as the description.
    • After this the machine status is updated with the corresponding state and description.
  4. When it’s InitiateVMDeletion, then deleteVM delgates the task to driver.DeleteMachine method. If deletion is successful then description is set to InitiateNodeDeletion with processing state. If there are any errors:
    • In case its NotFound, then deletion flow is continued and state is set to processing with description as InitiateNodeDeletion.
    • If it’s Unknown, DeadlineExceeded, Aborted or Unavailable or any other error code(default) or failure in decoding the machineErr itself: the state is set as failed and description remains InitiateVMDeletion as deletion is re-tried.
    • After this the machine status is updated with the corresponding state and description.
  5. Whereas InitiateNodeDeletion calls upon deleteNodeObject which if it can’t find the associated node, continues the deletion flow with description set to InitiateFinalizerRemoval and sets the state as Processing otherwise Delete() is called for the node which on success moves the state to Processing and InitiateFinalizerRemoval stages however on error switches to failed state (any error other than object not found). After this the machine status is updated.
  6. At last when we have InitiateFinalizerRemoval, deleteMachineFinalizers is invoked which deletes MCMFinalizerName if present, if there are any errors while updating the machine with the new set of finalizers, then re-queue is triggered after a ShortRetry.


Check out FAQ: How is drain implemented?, and the flowchart.

  1. Check that the nodeName is valid, if not set skipDrain.

  2. Check if machine is in Ready or ReadOnly state.

  3. If node condition is not empty and its not Ready or its ReadOnly and it’s been 5mins, then forceDeleteMachines and forceDeletePods labels are set, printLogInitError() is called i.e. description is set to InitiateVMDeletion.

  4. If skip isn’t set, then check if (MachineDrainTimeout) has occured.

    • If force-deletion label is present on the machine or if timeout has happened then forceDeleteMachines and forceDeletePods labels are set and force deletion is triggered otherwise normal deletion is triggered.
    • After that, UpdateNode TerminationCondition is called, which checks that the phase is not CrashLoopBackOff or empty i.e. machine is not in creation stage. Then we check if there are nodes that are already in terminating condition, if not, then if phase is failed then terminationCondition reason is set to Unhealthy, otherwise it’s set to ScaleDown.
    • If termination condition update results in an error in a normal deletion then, skipDrain is set and state is set to failed.
    • If termination condition update doesn’t result in an error then RunDrain is invoked; if drain is successful then state is set to Processing & if it’s normal deletion description is set to InitiateVMDeletion (since regular deletion already waits for volume detach/attach) otherwise if it’s force deletion then description is set to DelVolumesAttachments alongwith Processing state. If RunDrain is unsuccessful however and its normal deletion then description is set to InitiateDrain with failed state for a retry.
    • To summarize the above:
         To perform forceful machine drain/delete either:
         1. force-deletion: "True" label must be present
         2. Deletion operation is more than drain-timeout minutes old
         3. Last machine drain had failed
  5. If skipDrain is set, then set the state to Processing, LastOperation type to delete, description is set to InitiateVMDeletion by printLogInitError() and it’s re-queued.


  1. drainContext

  2. RunCordonOrUncordon

    First we try to get the associated node, if it results in an error that means the node doesn’t exist i.e. deletion was triggered during the machine creation process hence there’s nothing to do. If the node is there and it’s Spec.Unschedulable is true, then there’s nothing to do otherwise Unschedulable is set to true. (Cordoning means sealing off/preventing access)

  3. WaitForCacheSync is processed for the pod informer cache to sync.

  4. deleteOrEvictPodsSimple

    • Calls getPodsForDeletion which lists all pods.Spec.NodeName matching our node, (TODO: check podFilter) and if there aren’t any errors, then returns the list of pods.

    • Following which we deleteOrEvictPods: Here, we first check if the server supports eviction by SupportEviction and if ForceDeletePods is false then we call evictPods which performs normal eviction of the pods, parallelly evictPodsWithoutPv and serially (by sorting by Priority) evictPodsWithPv for ones having volume attached since it needs to wait for volume detachment. Both of these ways attempt to evictPod if supported for MaxEvictRetries times failing which they deletePod. If forceDeletePods is true, then forceful eviction of the pods happens and all pods are evicted parallelly by calling evictPodsWithPv.

    • In case there are errors while performing either evictPod or deletePod, it could be that the pod wasn’t evicted due to PDB violation, hence we get the PDB for the pod and check if its misconfigured by verifying that the Generation is same as Status.ObservedGeneration and that CurrentHealthy pods are more than ExpectedPods (which should be more than 0) and DisruptionsAllowed is zero. All these scenarios result in a misconfigured PDB.

    • If it’s not a case of misconfigured PDB then we sleep for PodEvictionRetryInterval and then move to next iteration of the eviction attempt. TODO TerminationGracePeriod, waitForDelete

      References: Disruptions, Configuring PDB, API Eviction, evictPodsWoPVInternal

    • TODO Check evictPodsWithPVInternal

    • If there are any failures in deleteOrEvictPods, they are reported as pendingPods.


  1. Update MachineRequest’s secret by processing the secret with (TODO) addBootstrapTokenToUserData and addMachineNameToUserData which checks if secret["userData"] exists, then replacing MachineNamePlaceholder <MACHINE_NAME> with the actual machine.Name.
  2. After that, the secret is used alongwith the Machine and MachineClass to create a GetMachineStatusRequest which responds with providerId and associated nodeName.
  3. If there is no error with the GetMachineStatusRequest and the machine’s “node” label or providerID is empty then the required VM is found and the node and providerID for the machine is updated. (updateLabels: adds the necessary labels, annotations with MachinePriority as 3 if unset and updates the providerID)
  4. If there is an error in getting the machine status and the ErrCode is NotFound or Unimplemented and if the “node” label is not present on the machine then: driver.CreateMachine() is invoked which on success gives us the providerId and the nodeName, then we try to Get() (TODO: nodeName != machineName significance?) the returned nodeName to check if a node object already exists. If so, it is treated as a stale node and driver.DeleteMachine() is triggered and the machine object is marked as state failed, phase being failed with LastOperation description set as “VM using old node obj” and then its status is updated. NOTE: Also, uninitializedMachine is set to true.
  5. If the returned codes are Unknown, DeadlineExceeded, Aborted or Unavailable, then again machineStatusUpdate is called with state set to failed and phase being failed or crashloopbackoff depending upon whether or not MachineCreationTimeout happened.
  6. Whereas the case when returned code is Uninitialized, the flag uninitializedMachine is set to true. In any other scenario, a machineStatusUpdate call similar to the previous case is made with a re-queue call.
  7. In case the uninitializedMachine flag is set, initializeMachine is called for starting the VM instance for the machine, it delegates the task to driver.InitializeMachine which if it returns Unimplemented error code, then VM initialization is skipped as provider doesn’t support it otherwise machineStatusUpdate call is made with failed state and crashloopbackoff or failed phase based on MachineCreationTimeout. Upon successful initialization, an error is returned by triggerCreationFlow for another re-queue.
  8. If however the machine phase is empty (creation) or crashloopbackoff then state is set as Processing, phase as Pending and a UpdateStatus call is made for the machine.

Safety Controller

Reconcile Cluster Machine Safety Orphan VMs

It lists all the VMs in the cloud matching the tag of given cluster name and maps the VMs with the machine objects using the ProviderID field. VMs without any backing machine objects are logged and deleted after confirmation. It runs every MachineSafetyOrphanVMsPeriod duration (15 mins). It runs:

  1. checkMachineClasses: fetches all the MachineClasses and for each of them calls checkMachineClass:
    • It fetches their secretData, lists all the Machines referencing that class, updates their cache via WaitForCacheSync
    • Then it iterates over the MachineList returned by ListMachines: <providerID, machineName>, fetching each machine and ensuring that the providerID matches.
    • If it doesn’t and the phase is "" or crashloopbackoff, then it continues iterating otherwise it creates a dummy machine object for DeleteMachineRequest.
  2. AnnotateNodesUnmanagedByMCM: fetches all the nodes on the target cluster then iterates over them:
    • Calls getMachineFromNode which returns errMultipleMachineMatch or errNoMachineMatch depending on the number of machines associated with the node. If there’s only one machine, then it returns the machine.
    • If we get errNoMachineMatch then we compare currentTime - nodeCreationTime with MachineCreationTimeout, if timeout has occured and the node doesn’t have NotManagedByMCM annotation present on it then it means there’s no backing machine object for the node. So we annotate it with NotManagedByMCM and then update the node.
    • If it returns the machine having NotManagedByMCM annotation then we remove the annotation and update the node.

Reconcile Cluster Machine Safety API Server

Freezes MachineDeployment and MachineSet controller if number of machine objects goes beyond a certain threshold on top of Spec.Replicas by applying a freeze label. It also freezes the functionality of MCM if target-apiserver or control-apiserver is not reachable and unfreezes once situation becomes normal.

  1. Checks if MachineControllerFrozen is true if it is, then it checks if isApiServerUp.
  2. isApiServerUp makes a dummy call to control APIServer (controlMachineClient) and target APIServer (targetCoreClient) and if either gives an error different from isNotFound error, it returns false. If it returns true then we unfreeze them by iterating over them and if their phase is Unknown, we get machine from controlMachineClient and set the phase as Running, state as successful and description as “Machine Health Timeout was reset due to APIServer being unreachable”. After which we update the status and enqueueMachineAfter 30 seconds for reconcile and set MachineControllerFrozen to false & APIserverInactiveStartTime to nil.
  3. If initially MachineControllerFrozen was false, and isApiServerUp returned false i.e. its not up then we set APIserverInactiveStartTime as current time if its unset and check if time passed since Inactive time is more than MachineSafety APIServer StatusCheckTimeout, if so we set MachineControllerFrozen to true and then re-enqueue the API Server check.

Machine Controller Manager

Handles reconciliation of MachineDeployment and MachineSet objects.

Reconcile Cluster Machine Set

  • Fetch the MachineSet.

  • ValidateMachineSetSpec: Ensures that spec.Replicas is greater than or equal to zero and selector.matchLabels matches template.metadata.labels.

  • If DeletionTimestamp is not set, then addMachineSetFinalizers

  • LabelSelectorAsSelector converts MachineSet selector to a selector object that’s used by claimMachines function that creates a *Machine Controller Ref Manager* tagged with a CanAdopt function that first fetches fresh i.e. latest version of the machineSet and then verifies its UID with the existing machineSet’s UID to ensure that the machineSet isn’t being deleted. (This function is later used by AdoptMachine)

  • ClaimMachine indirectly calls ClaimObject with Match, Adopt and Release:

    1. Match: Checks if the selector matches, after which it runs a set of filter functions. On success, it returns true.
    2. AdoptMachine (Adopt): Runs the previously created CanAdopt function to verify that the machine can be adopted by the machineSet, if so then PatchMachine with the OwnerRef to the MachineSet and add to claimedMachines.
    3. ReleaseMachine (Release): Sends a deleteOwnerRefPatch to free the Machine from controller. On patching, NotFound and IsInvalid errors are ignored since if the machine doesn’t exist or if it has no ownerRef or if the UID doesn’t match (implies machine was recreated after deletion) then it’s fine.
  • ClaimObject:

    It will reconcile the following:
    ​  - Adopt orphans if the match function returns true.
    ​  - Release owned objects if the match function returns false.
    1. Get the ownerRef using GetControllerOf, it it’s not nil, check if ownerRef.UID is the same as the machineSet’s UUID. (UID is k8s system generated string to uniquely identify object). If the DeletionTimestamp is not set (nil), and the selector match fails, then attempt a release.
    2. In case the ownerRef was nil, check if machineSet is not scheduled for deletion (DeletionTimestamp nil) and the match was succesful. If so, then if the machine isn’t scheduled for deletion, attempt Adopt.
  • After the list of claimedMachines if procured, we call syncMachinesNodeTemplates, syncMachinesConfig & syncMachineClassKind which goes through the list and checks if a machine requires updation of the Nodetemplate, MachineConfiguration and Class.Kind and copies them from the machineSet to the machine if needed.

  • Then check if the machineSet is scheduled for deletion i.e. DeletionTimestamp is not nil, if there aren’t any claimedMachines for this machineSet (len(filteredMachines) is 0) then remove the finalizer from the machineSet otherwise trigger deletion of the claimedMachines via terminateMachines.

  • In case the machineSet wasn’t scheduled for deletion, manageReplicas is called:

    1. Gets the MetaNameSpaceKey for the machineSet and creates a list of activeMachines (phase != failed or terminating) and staleMachines (phase is failed) from the list of claimedMachines.
    2. If there are staleMachines then they are scheduled for deletion, terminateMachines is called.
    3. Then we check the difference between the number of activeMachines and the number of Replicas specified by the machineSet.
    4. If the activeMachines are less, then count (diff) is set to min(BurstReplicas: 100, Replicas - len(activeMachines)) and <TODO ExpectCreations> slowStartBatch is called which calls a function CreateMachines With ControllerRef count times, starting slow with group of SlowStartInitialBatchSize (1) to check for errors, then speeding up if calls succeed. Within each batch, it may call the function multiple times concurrently. If a whole batch succeeds, the next batch gets exponentially larger.
    5. <TODO> skippedMachines CreationObserved
    6. In case the activeMachines are more than the Replica count, then deletion must be triggered. diff is set to min(BurstReplicas: 100, len(activeMachines) - Replicas) and then the activeMachines are sorted in the order NonReady, Ready, Unscheduled, Scheduled, Pending, Running. <TODO: ExpectDeletions>. After getting the sorted list, the machines are deleted by called terminateMachines.
  • Then MachineSet status is calculated and updated following which reconcile is enqueued after 10 minutes.

Reconcile Cluster Machine Deployment

  • Fetch the deployment by getting the name from SplitMetaNamespaceKey, then validate it by ensuring Replicas is not negative and that selector.matchLabels is consistent with template.metadata.labels.
  • Add finalizers if DeletionTimestamp is nil, then check if Selector is empty i.e. the deployment is selecting all machines, if so record that event and set Status.ObservedGeneration to Generation if it’s less and then update the status.
  • Then getMachineSets is called which uses a controller reference manager to handle ownership and internally calls ClaimMachineSets (acts in a similar fashion to ClaimMachine in Reconcile Cluster Machine Set by leveraging ClaimObject however it doesn’t run any filters) to get the machineSets owned by the deployment via adoption/orphaning with a similar CanAdopt function that fetches a fresh copy of the deployment object and compares UID to ensure that the deployment isn’t being deleted.
  • getMachineMap: Creates a map from MachineSet UID to list of Machines it controls; used to verify machine labels and handle recreate deployments; it groups machines by their controller reference.
  • If DeletionTimestamp is set and deployment has DeleteFinalizerName and if there are no MachineSets referring to the deployment then remove the finalizers. If there are MachineSets owned by the deployment then terminateMachineSets is called after which syncStatusOnly calls getMSAndSyncRevision that lists the old and new (with updated revision) MachineSets and machines for the deployment and applies machine-template-hash to the adopted ones and then deployment status is synced.
  • Ref: Pausing a deployment, Deployment Status <TODO: Why?! are we doing this> checkPausedConditions fetches the condition with type as Progressing
    1. If cond.Reason is TimedOutReason, return without overwriting with paused condition.
    2. Check if pausedCondExists by seeing if cond.Reason is PausedMachineDeployReason.
    3. If Spec.Paused is true and pausedCondExists is false, then update the condition with Reason as PausedMachineDeployReason and message as “Deployment is paused”.
    4. Otherwise if Spec.Paused is false and pausedCondExists is true, then update the condition with Reason as ResumedMachineDeployReason and message as “Deployment is resumed”.
    5. Update the deployment status.
  • Then we check if Spec.Paused is true, if so it implies that Scaling was detected for deployment which is paused, so sync is called (which has the responsibility of reconciling deployments on scaling/when paused)
    1. First getMSAndSyncRevision is called to get list of new and old machineSets.
    2. Then Scale() method is invoked, following which spec.Paused is checked, if deployment is paused and there’s no rollback in progress i.e. spec.RollbackTo is nil, then deployment cleanup is called for. The cleanup filters the old machineSet to get ones which are currently active (i.e. DeletionTimestamp is not set) and then deletes (note that if any delete fails, it stops the cleanup process since the failure could be due to api server overload) all but RevisionHistoryLimit number of machineSets (in this process it checks if the filtered machineSets have non-zero replica counts and avoids deleting them).
    3. Otherwise the new machineSets, if any are added to set of all machineSets and their status is synced by calling sync MachineDeployment Status.
  • If the deployment wasn’t paused and Spec.RollbackTo is non-nil i.e. there exists a revision that the deployment is rolling back to, the rollback() method is invoked:
    1. First getMSAndSyncRevision is called to get list of new and old machineSets.
    2. Ref: k8s rollbacks, Then we check the rollback revision version (RollbackTo.Revision), if its zero then we find the LastRevision() i.e. second max revision number by iterating over all machineSets and if its also zero, then that means we were unable to find the last revision and we give up rollback (update Deployment and Clear Rollback To is called)
    3. Otherwise we proceed with the rollback: Iterating over the list of machineSets, we get the Revision for each machineSet and if it matches the RollbackTo.Revision, then the PreferNoSchedule taint is removed from the nodes which are backing that machineSet.
    4. After taint removal, rollbackToTemplate() method is called which compares the templates (hash) of the deployment with the matching machineSet and updates the the template of the deployment incase they’re different (Set From Machine Set Template) and the annotations of the deployment to the rollbacked machineSet revision (Set Machine Deployment Annotations To).
  • If it wasn’t a rollback event either, then we check if its a ScalingEvent i.e. there are activeMachineSets (found by filtering as new MachineSets with Replicas more than 0). For scaling events sync is called (check above Paused discussion to see what it does)
    1. In case there’s no activeMachineSets and the Replicas on the deployment is more than 0 i.e. its a scale from zero scenario so its considered as a scalingEvent.
    2. Otherwise when there are activeMachineSets with desired-replicas annotation not equal to the deployment replicas then also its a scalingEvent.
    3. If no such machineSets exist i.e. all the active ones have the same amount of desired-replicas as the deployment replica then its not a scaling event.
  • In case none of the scenarios were true i.e. not paused, not rolling back, and not scaling, then we execute the deployment strategy which is either Recreate or Rolling.

TODO Scale


  • First getMSAndSyncRevision is called to get list of new and old machineSets. Old MS is filtered to find the active ones i.e. those having non-zero replicas.
  • Create annotations to disable CA performing scale-downs during rollout and apply them to all machineSets if autoscaler ScaleDown Annotation During Rollout bool is true and there are old MS that haven’t been scaled to zero yet.
  • Then activeOld MS are scaled down:
    1. If replica for the MS is already zero then scaling is not required.
    2. Otherwise MS has to be scaled-down, its annotated with desiredReplicas being the deployment Replicas and the maxReplicas being maxSurge amount more than that. maxSurge is 0 for non-rolling updates.
    3. In case scaling was required, after adding the annotations, the old MS is updated.
  • If a scale-down occured or if there are old MS having non-zero replicas then, Sync RolloutStatus is invoked:
    1. TODO calculateDeploymentStatus
    2. Then we get all the MD conditions having type as Progressing and check if the current deployment is complete or not by:
      • Ensuring Replicas and UpdatedReplicas are the same
      • There is a MD condition of Progressing Type having Reason as “New Machine Set Available”.
    3. If its not a complete deployment then i.e. rollout hasn’t happened then progress estimation happens:
      • In case deployment is completed (UpdatedReplicas, AvailableReplicas and Replicas are the same and new ObserverGen is more than or equal to MD generation) i.e. all desired replicas are updated and available, no old machine are running; then the condition is updated to Progressing with “New Machine Set Available” (The conditions talked about in the previous point).
      • If its in progressing state, then the progress is estimated by comparing the current and new status of the deployment. Specifically, when new machines are scaled up or become ready/available or old machines are scaled down. In this case, the Reason is set to “Machine Set Updated”.
      • If its in timed out state, then “Progressing” state is set to false and the reason is updated as “Progress Deadline Exceeded”.
    4. Then we fetch all the failure conditions of the typeReplica Failure” for MS and convert them to deployment conditions. In case we don’t find any, we remove “Replica Failure” condition from the deployment if present.
    5. If there aren’t any status changes to be done on the deployment, then its re-queued otherwise the status is updated.
  • If there is a need to create new MS i.e. new MS from initial getMSAndSyncRevision is nil, then the function is called again with the creation flag set to true which creates the new MS.
  • The new MS are scaled up to deployment’s Replicas count and the annotations for desiredReplicas and maxReplicas are added.
  • Again the progress is estimated and if deployment is completed then, autoscaler annotations are removed, deployment is cleaned up. At the end Sync RolloutStatus is called again.


  • First getMSAndSyncRevision is called to get list of new and old machineSets. Create annotations to disable CA performing scale-downs during rollout and apply them to all machineSets if autoscaler ScaleDown Annotation During Rollout bool is true and there are old MS that haven’t been scaled to zero yet.
  • Also, nodes backing all the old MS have “PreferNoSchedule” taint added to them to avoid scheduling on them. And reconcileNewMS is called to try to scale up, if possible:
    1. Check if newMS.Replicas is same as deployment’s Replicas, that means there’s no scaling needed.
    2. If newMS.Replicas are more then scale-down needs to happen alongwith updation of desiredReplicas and maxReplicas annotation. In cases of rolling updates, surge is not simply 0 it is calculated via ResolveFenceposts as \(surge = \lceil\frac{maxSurge * Replicas}{100}\rceil\) when maxSurge is passed as a % value otherwise its taken as is. And the maxReplicas value is annotated as Replicas + surge
    3. If its neither, then scale-up needs to happen, NewISNewReplicas is used to get the target Replicas count, first surge is computed in a similar fashion as above and then maxReplicas is compared with currently active MS replica count. If the current count is more i.e. scale up is not possible and target count is returned the same as newMS replicas count otherwise scale up needs to happen by
      min(max - current, dep.Replicas - newMS.Replicas)
      and scaleUp + newIS.Replicas is returned as the target replicas count.
    4. If any scaling happens, then Sync RolloutStatus is called to update the deployment status.
  • After this an attempt is made to scale-down the active oldMS. First check if their total replica count is 0 in which case no further scale-down is possible. Otherwise we attempt the scale-down:
    1. Check minAvailable needed number of replicas, deployment.Replicas - unavailable where it is calculated via ResolveFenceposts as \(unavail = \lfloor\frac{maxUnavailable * Replicas}{100}\rfloor\) when maxAvailable is passed as a % value otherwise its taken as is.
    2. Check newMS that are still unavailable, newMS.Replicas - newMS.AvailableReplicas
    3. Hence there by removing (minAvailable + newMSUnavailable) from total active replicas, we get the number of replicas that can be cleanup up without any issues. (maxScaledDown)
    4. An attempt is made to clean up those replicas from the oldMS where first oldMS are sorted in the order notready, ready, unscheduled, scheduled, pending, running so that unhealthy replicas are cleaned up before to not increase unavailability:
      • Iterating over the sorted oldMS, we first check if the targetMS’s replica count is 0 or equal to its availableReplicas in which cases it can’t be downscaled or has no unhealthy replicas so we skip its cleanup.
      • Otherwise compute scaledownCount for the targetMS by
        min(maxCleanupCount - totalScaledDown, Replicas - AvailableReplicas)
        where totalScaledDown keeps incrementing by scaleDownCount as we iterate over all oldMS.
      • We then compute newReplicacount as Replicas - scaledownCount and attempt to scaledown the targetMS to it. <TODO: Rewrite this>
    5. After attempting the cleanup of old unhealthy MS, we them attempt a scaledown by first checking if its possible, computing minAvailable needed replica count and totalAvailable and seeing if total’s less than min in which case we can’t scale down. Otherwise we compute totalScaledDownCount (aka target) as total - min available replica count & sort oldMS similar to how we did in the cleanup process above and start iterating over them:
      • Check if scaling’s done by comparing totalScaledDown number with the target in which case we stop.
      • If MS’s replicas is 0 then scaling isnt possible for it, so skip it.
      • Otherwise scaledown is attempted with scaleDownCount being
        min(Replicas, target - totalScaledDown)
        and newReplicacount as Replicas - scaleDownCount after which totalScaledDown is updated with scaleDownCount
    6. If any scaling happens, then sync RolloutStatus is invoked later for updating the status.
  • At the end, the progress is estimated and if deployment is completed then, autoscaler annotations are removed, deployment is cleaned up. At the end Sync RolloutStatus is called again.

TODO Reconcile Machine Safety Overshooting


All methods in Driver interface take a Request and provide a Response.

type Driver interface {
    CreateMachine(context.Context, *CreateMachineRequest) (*CreateMachineResponse, error)
    InitializeMachine(context.Context, *InitializeMachineRequest) (*InitializeMachineResponse, error)
    DeleteMachine(context.Context, *DeleteMachineRequest) (*DeleteMachineResponse, error)
    GetMachineStatus(context.Context, *GetMachineStatusRequest) (*GetMachineStatusResponse, error)
    ListMachines(context.Context, *ListMachinesRequest) (*ListMachinesResponse, error)
    GetVolumeIDs(context.Context, *GetVolumeIDsRequest) (*GetVolumeIDsResponse, error)

Machine Error Codes document goes a bit more in-depth into the workings of the various driver interface methods.

All methods follow a similar pattern at the start where they first check that the MachineClass.provider in the request is the correct one otherwise InvalidArgument is returned as the error code. Then the request’s MachineClass and Secret are used to extract the providerSpec, validation of the spec happens during the extraction process. If there’s an issue while unmarshalling the rawSpec, internal error is returned and if there’s an issue with validation, InvalidArgument is returned. The other common part is creation of a service client which is handled by the createSVC method (takes in region and secret).

Note that during the invocation of some methods, Record Driver API Metric function runs which captures the duration of the operation and records any failures. Coming to the specifics of the methods:


  • Secret’s userData is checked for existence and is encoded if found. (Later used in RunInstancesInput)
  • Validate given AMI’s (Amazon Machine Image) existence, verify that the image exists and is valid using DescribeImages POST request.
  • Block devices are the storage volumes attached to an Instance. And BlockDeviceMappings define the EBS volumes and instance store volumes to attach to an instance at launch. So using the list of devices from providerSpec and the RootDeviceName from the image, block device mappings are generated for storage.
  • Then tags are generated for instance, volume and NetworkInterface. These tags are useful as they act as identifiers which map the clusters that resources belong to and for management (cleanup, securtiy) etc. Failure in tag generation results in an Internal error code being returned.
  • Afterwards, NetworkInterfaceSpec is defined for all the interfaces and by iterative over providerSpec NetworkInterfaces. And IamInstanceProfile is set up by going through IAM name and ARN. And after that instance metadata options are initialized.
  • Following all this, the RunInstancesInput config is initialized using all the above fetched/initialized fields. Some additional fields such as Placement, Capacity Reservation Target, CPU Options and Spot Price are further set up before the RunInstance call which launches the EC2 instance.
  • Then we wait for the VM with ProviderID for machine Name to be visible to AWS endpoints by checking using confirmInstance calls following which’s success the MachineResponse consisting of the ProviderID and Machine Name is returned.


InitializeMachine method should only be invoked as a post VM creation initialization to configure network configuration etc.

  • First we decode spec, create a service request and then we fetch the running instances for the requested Machine by leveraging the tags populated earlier. In case searching via tags fails, fall back to using instanceID from providerID for fetching the VM instances. Failure returns codes.Uninitialized as the error code.
  • After getting the instance, we disable SrcDstCheck for NAT instances if specified as false by targeting the instanceID. If this operations fails, Uninitialized is retured as the error code.
  • Then we iterate over the Network Interfaces and assigns IPv6 prefixes to them if configured. Failure returns codes.Uninitialized as the error code. If everything is successful, we return Response with providerID and node name.


We do provider check and decode the spec, create the service client. Afterwards we check if the requested Machine has providerID populated, if so we extract the instanceID from it and invoke terminateInstance. If providerID is not populated, then we get the instances by tags and terminate them.


Again we start with checking the provider, decoding the spec and creating the service client. Then we get the matching instances by tags or instanceID failing the fetching by former. If multiple VM instances are returned for the machine object, it is flagged as OutOfRange error and returned.

Otherwise we check if the SourceDestCheck on the instance matches the one on providerSpec, in case they don’t match it returns Uninitialized else we return the response with NodeName and ProviderID.


Do the needful provider check, spec decoding and service creation following which we iterate over the tags to check if they contain the clusterName tag or the nodeRole tag. These are then used to create “tag-key” filters alongwith a “instance-state-name” filter (with pending, running, stopping & stopped values). These filters are used to fetch the relevant VM instances for the machineClass. After getting the instances, a map of providerID to the machineName is created and and returned as the response.


Extracts EBS volume IDs from PersistentVolume specification by handling both in-tree AWS EBS volumes and CSI driver volumes and returns list of volume IDs as response. (Invoked indirectly by evictPodsWithPv)


  • How is MCM different from CCM? Is there any overlap between the two?
  • How much access/info does the end user have about machines? How much can they control them or is the access restricted to editing nodes only?
  • Check control and target clusters, inClusterConfig. Control cluster is the one where the machine-* objects are stored. Target cluster is where all the node objects are registered.
  • When node deletion checks are happening, how is the ReadOnlyFileSystem flag checked for?
  • Why is this required in two places? FAQ: API Change
  • Is local setup guide enough to get started or is there something else to look out for as well?
  • In the ClaimMachines function, we’re not passing the filters, what’s the point of having them then? In what scenarios will they be needed?
  • How is the CanAdopt() function working?
  • What is this controllerRef for?
  • What is the KeyFunc() doing in manageReplicas: cache.MetaNameSpaceKeyFunc
  • What is this ControllerExpectations, why is it needed? Handle race conditions, Expectations are supposed to be used to await previous controller actions to be seen in watch. ContExpectations is a cache mapping controllers to what they expect to see before being woken up for a sync.
  • What is this FakeDriver business?
  • In a lot of functions, we clone the resource, then work with the cloned copy, why is that necessary?
  • Why is bootstrap token deletion required when machine creation goes through?
  • What is this permit that’s used when Unknown phase and machine times out
  • Why is internalExternalScheme conversion needed?